
Our science curriculum encourages pupils to question the world around them. It promotes excitement and curiosity. We aim to develop pupils’ minds, and scientific knowledge. Through practical experiences, they build up theories and predictions. We encourage them to have the confidence to test and challenge scientific ideas. We want them to understand how scientific developments can change the world we live in.

The science curriculum provides experiences and knowledge of the physical and natural world. This is gained through:

  • observing
  • pattern seeking
  • identifying
  • classifying and grouping
  • testing
  • using scientific research sources.

Pupils learn about how to test their ideas through investigation and form conclusions. Pupils also learn about influential people and how their ideas, or work, have led to the knowledge and concepts that pupils learn. These may be scientists, explorers or conservationists. By learning about these people, pupils can see how the ideas about the world in which we live have been created.

The strands in science are:

  • Working scientifically
  • Plants
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Animals, including humans
  • Use of everyday materials
  • Seasonal changes
  • Rocks
  • Light
  • Forces and magnets
  • States of matter
  • Sound
  • Electricity
  • Properties and changes of materials
  • Earth and space
  • Forces
  • Evolution and inheritance